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    Simon Toepper

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    SAP Security, Identity & Access Management

    In our blog post “SAP and Microsoft: Close partners in Identity & Access Management” from February 2024, we discuss the strategic partnership between SAP and Microsoft in Identity & Access Management.

    SAP Security, Identity & Access Management

    Due to the shutdown of the SAP NetWeaver Java platform in 2030, SAP Identity Management (IdM) and some other SAP solutions are being phased out of maintenance.

    SAP Security, Identity & Access Management, Enterprise Security

    With the IT Security Act 2.0, which came into force on May 1, 2023, the legislator in Germany has created a stricter regulation for critical infrastructures (KRITIS).

    SAP Security, Enterprise Security

    On May 1, 2023, a new era of cyber security began in Germany. Since that day, operators of critical infrastructures (CRITIS) have had to comply with the provisions of the IT Security Act 2.0 (IT-SiG 2.0).

    SAP Security, Enterprise Security

    Several successful cyber attacks on hospitals in the recent past illustrate how important IT security is for maintaining regular hospital operations.

    SAP Security, Enterprise Security

    The countdown is on: By May 1, 2023, operators of critical infrastructures (CRITIS) must have implemented enhanced security measures for their IT.

    SAP Security, Enterprise Security

    Hardly a day goes by without news that a company, organization or government has been the victim of a cyber attack.