Move to the latest ERP generation of SAP and optimize your processes with the innovative functionalities offered by SAP S/4HANA


Features of SAP S/4HANA

SAP S/4HANA is the new intelligent business suite from SAP. The ERP software (ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning) supports all business processes of a company and technologically replaces the previous Enterprise Core Components (ECC) of SAP Business Suite.

The name SAP S/4HANA means SAP Suite for (4) HANA, indicating that the solution runs exclusively on the SAP HANA in-memory database. The 4 stands for the fourth generation of SAP ERP systems.  SAP S/4HANA is available both as an on-premise version and in the cloud (private or public cloud).

With SAP S/4HANA and SAP Fiori, SAP delivers modern user interfaces. Fast and intuitive apps enable a better user experience (UX). At the same time, the data model is significantly simplified thanks to the underlying in-memory database, which reduces the amount of storage required and enables significantly faster queries.

SAP S/4HANA includes a number of standardized business processes that companies can use:

  • Purchase-to-pay

  • Plan-to-produce

  • Order-to-cash

  • Human Capital

  • Finance

  • Controlling

  • Enterprise Asset Management

  • Project Management

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Michelle Wörner

+49 7131 2711-3000

Free white paper: Your path to SAP S/4HANA

SAP S/4HANA is the key to new business models and greater efficiency in processes. In our white paper, we give you six valuable tips to make your move to SAP S/4HANA a success.

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By migrating to SAP S/4HANA, you can simplify your IT landscape and at the same time clean up your systems and optimize the business processes they represent. A simplified and coherent data model enables new functionalities, increases productivity and significantly reduces failure risks.

At a glance

  • Modern user interfaces with SAP Fiori and improved user experience (UX)

  • Simplified data model

  • Easy customization and modernization of business processes

  • Faster reporting and analysis

  • Relief for users through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

  • Real-time analysis even of large amounts of data

  • Reduced total cost of ownership in terms of deployment, maintenance and number of servers

What benefits does SAP S/4HANA offer?

Optimized performance and real-time analysis of large data volumes thanks to in-memory database

The in-memory technology of the HANA database brings significant performance improvements. As a result, large volumes of data can be processed in near real time.

New user experience (UX) and mobile applications with SAP Fiori

SAP Fiori replaces the old SAP GUI user interfaces and offers personalizable and intuitive apps. Notifications and decision support also improve the user experience. Thanks to the role-based concept, users collaborate more efficiently − even on mobile devices.

Relieving the users through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

Reusable services facilitate the integration of artificial intelligence into business processes. Employees have more options for automating tasks and accessing contextual information.

The following Lines of Business (LoB) are available in SAP S/4HANA:

  • SAP S/4HANA Asset Management

  • SAP S/4HANA Finance

  • SAP S/4HANA Human Resources

  • SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing

  • SAP S/4HANA Marketing

  • SAP S/4HANA Research and Development

  • SAP S/4HANA Sales

  • SAP S/4HANA Service

  • SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement

  • SAP S/4HANA Supply Chain

Transformation Assessment for SAP S/4HANA

With our Transformation Assessment for SAP S/4HANA, you are optimally prepared for the targeted migration to SAP S/4HANA on-premise or SAP S/4HANA Cloud. We work with you to develop a fact-based decision-making basis for your successful ERP transformation, a customized roadmap and a recommendation for the subsequent implementation.

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What challenges does the switch to SAP S/4HANA bring with it?

Business presentation on laptop computerProject management

The implementation of SAP S/4HANA is usually a large project. Depending on the size of the company, the roll-out can take several years. Preliminary projects, for example for the introduction of SAP Business Partner, are often necessary and must be completed before the actual migration to SAP S/4HANA. Reaching these milestones and successfully completing the overall project is only possible with the help of far-sighted project management.

Do you need support with project management?


Old Ways Wont Open New Doors sign with beach backgroundChange management

The migration to SAP S/4HANA is not only a technical upgrade of the ERP system, but also necessitates a realignment of business processes. The extensive changes that accompany the introduction of SAP S/4HANA must be supported by the entire organization and moderated accordingly. Efficient change management ensures that employees embrace the change and that the full benefits of SAP S/4HANA can be realized.

Do you need support with change management?


pexels-carlos-pernalete-tua-730647-300x200pxCost comparison

As with any large IT project, costs play an important role in the implementation of SAP S/4HANA. Here, it is important to evaluate various system implementation alternatives at an early stage in terms of a cost-benefit comparison for the company. In addition to the costs for the introduction itself, the operating and license costs must also be considered in this context.


Traffic light in modern cityQuality assurance

Quality assurance plays a key role in ensuring that you can make the most of the benefits of SAP S/4HANA and that the implementation brings the improvements you had hoped for. Among other things, this includes extensive testing of the solution to ensure a smooth go-live.

Schluchseewerk AG | SAP S/4HANA implementation | IBsolution

Schluchseewerk relies on IBsolution for SAP S/4HANA implementation

In order to be able to map its business processes holistically, Schluchseewerk AG is switching to SAP S/4HANA. The company from the southern Black Forest has chosen IBsolution as its implementation partner. Within the scope of the cooperation, the Heilbronn-based SAP consulting company not only accompanies the SAP S/4HANA implementation, but also addresses the project management

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Success Story PROFI AG | IBsolution
Success Story

PROFI AG lays the foundation for innovation with SAP S/4HANA

PROFI Engineering Systems AG, a medium-sized IT solutions company based in Darmstadt, has successfully migrated to SAP S/4HANA. As implementation partner, IBsolution supported the system conversion in a brownfield approach.

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Satisfaction with ERP systems | IBsolution

Satisfaction with ERP systems remains at a high level

In many companies, ERP systems are the central instrument for effectively managing the most important business processes. Because their use extends to a wide range of operational tasks, ERP software also makes a significant contribution to the digitalization of business processes.

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The move to SAP S/4HANA offers companies the opportunity to adapt their ERP landscape to new, future-proof structures and business models. As the digital core of the Intelligent Enterprise, SAP S/4HANA provides the technological basis for companies to control end-to-end processes – across departmental and company boundaries.

What are the deployment options for SAP S/4HANA?

On-Premise IBsolutionSAP S/4HANA on-premise

Especially companies that use older SAP ERP systems often prefer to continue running SAP S/4HANA on their own servers. The main reason for this is the system landscape that has grown over years or even decades and often includes in-house developments. These cannot be migrated when switching to the cloud. Therefore, companies with such an initial situation often opt for a system conversion (brownfield approach). In contrast to the cloud, the company manages the entire infrastructure and applications itself. This approach is suitable, for example, for large companies with complex business processes.

IBsolution CloudSAP S/4HANA Cloud

Unlike the on-premise variant, the company does not operate SAP S/4HANA Cloud entirely itself. The operation and maintenance of the infrastructure are outsourced to a service provider. SAP offers the use of SAP S/4HANA Cloud as a public cloud or as a private cloud.

Public Cloud

In the public cloud, SAP S/4HANA is provided as software-as-a-service. Own programming is therefore not possible. The advantages are high scalability and a low TCO, because you only pay for the capacity you actually use. Downtimes for release changes are a thing of the past, while at the same time companies always benefit from the latest innovations such as machine learning and predictive analytics with quarterly release changes.

Private Cloud

The private cloud corresponds to the hosting principle, in which the company has its own server at its hyperscaler. The hyperscaler also takes over the maintenance of the server. In contrast to the public cloud, the company can make changes to the code and implement its own modifications. Investments made in the existing SAP system are thus retained. The company benefits from the lower costs in the cloud and can at the same time retain its existing processes and data.


How does the switch to SAP S/4HANA succeed?

The switch to SAP S/4HANA can be made in different ways. The choice of the best scenario depends on the individual situation of the respective company, the exact objective and the time schedule.




New implementation (Greenfield approach)

ERP systems grow over the years of their use and become increasingly complex. Therefore, it may make sense to replace the old system with a completely new ERP system. The greenfield approach is often more costly than a system conversion, but it offers the opportunity to question the old processes and, if necessary, to completely rethink them.

More about the greenfield approach

System conversion (Brownfield approach)

During system conversion, the existing SAP ERP system is converted to SAP S/4HANA. Data and settings remain in place, as do the previous processes. One advantage of the brownfield approach is that it usually requires fewer resources for the switch to SAP S/4HANA than a new implementation. However, some preliminary work has to be done to minimize the technical difficulties, for example due to different data models.

More about the brownfield approach

Selective migration (Greyfield approach)

The greyfield implementation is a combination of the greenfield and brownfield variants. A new system is set up, but parts of the existing data are migrated if they are still needed. The goal is to simplify the existing ERP landscape by unifying the systems or outsourcing individual business processes.

More about the greyfield approach

Greenfield, brownfield or greyfield? Find the right path to SAP S/4HANA

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Decisions and tasks on the way to SAP S/4HANA | IBsolution

Decisions and tasks on the way to SAP S/4HANA

The introduction of SAP S/4HANA is a complex project because it has an impact on almost all of a company’s business processes. Only with optimized processes can the possibilities of SAP S/4HANA be fully exploited.

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SAP S/4HANA system conversion | IBsolution

How the SAP S/4HANA system conversion works

The system conversion, often referred to as the brownfield approach, is one of three basic conversion scenarios for migrating to SAP S/4HANA. This involves upgrading an existing ERP system to SAP S/4HANA. The other two variants are the new implementation (greenfield approach) and the landscape transformation.

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SAP S/4HANA survey ASUG and DSAG | IBsolution

More and more companies are approaching SAP S/4HANA migration

A joint survey conducted by the Americas’ SAP Users’ Group (ASUG) and the German-speaking SAP User Group (DSAG) examined their members’ experiences with SAP S/4HANA. It concluded that 70% of DSAG members and 55% of ASUG members implement or plan to implement SAP S/4HANA.

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What preparations need to be made for SAP S/4HANA?

Harmonization Package for SAP Business Partner | IBsolutionSAP Business Partner data model becomes mandatory

The implementation of SAP Business Partner (Customer Vendor Integration - CVI) is mandatory for the switch to SAP S/4HANA and must take place before the system conversion. With our Harmonization Package for SAP Business Partner you realize the changeover from the classic to the new data model at a fixed price.

Go to Harmonization Package for SAP Business Partner


Portrait of a smiling man checking bills on the tablet at homeSAP New General Ledger

Similar to SAP Business Partner, SAP is also making SAP New General Ledger (New GL) a prerequisite for SAP S/4HANA. Compared to the classic general ledger, the New GL offers a number of new functional enhancements. New fields have been added to the data structure and it can be further expanded with customer-specific fields.

The Migration Package for SAP S/4HANA General Ledger helps to introduce the New GL pragmatically and efficiently on the basis of an existing system. After the migration to SAP S/4HANA, there is then only one journal table based on the structure of the New GL.

Go to Migration Package for SAP S/4HANA General Ledger


Worker cleaning up the driveway from autumn leavesAdjustments to authorizations

The architecture and database structure of SAP S/4HANA also affect authorization management. Working with Fiori apps requires changes to roles and the associated authorization objects. In the first step, an authorization check provides information about where exactly your company needs to start in this regard.

Learn more about authorizations in SAP S/4HANA


Landing_Page_Two-Pager_Eigenentwicklungen_SAP_S4HANA_1000x667px-webWhat happens with your custom developments?

The switch to SAP S/4HANA offers the ideal opportunity to review existing customer-specific developments to determine whether they are still needed or compatible with SAP S/4HANA. Our 5 golden rules give you valuable advice on how to bring your custom developments to SAP S/4HANA.

Download for free (in German)

SAP Business Partner | IBsolution

There is no SAP S/4HANA without SAP Business Partner

Before you can migrate to SAP S/4HANA, there are a few mandatory tasks to complete. One of these is the introduction of SAP Business Partner as the central master data object for all natural and legal persons with whom a company has a business relationship.

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Authorizations in SAP S/4HANA | IBsolution

What changes in authorizations with SAP S/4HANA

SAP S/4HANA brings with it various new processes and technologies that did not previously exist in this way in SAP ERP. In addition, there are also differences in the authorization concepts between SAP S/4HANA and previous ERP versions from SAP that must be taken into account to ensure smooth user access.

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Success Story EagleBurgmann | IBsolution
Success Story

EagleBurgmann successfully introduces SAP Business Partner

EagleBurgmann is a global technology company for industrial sealing solutions. In order to plan the migration to SAP S/4HANA at all international locations in the long term, EagleBurgmann has drawn up an IT roadmap covering several years. Its first milestone was the introduction of SAP Business Partner.

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Companies should tackle the switch to SAP S/4HANA in good time, as mainstream maintenance for SAP Business Suite 7 only runs until 2027. The switch to SAP S/4HANA is a complex project that requires sufficient time. In addition, some activities need to be completed before the actual migration. Start now to plan and execute all necessary steps in time.


Innovations in SAP S/4HANA


SAP S/4HANA creates the technological prerequisites for future innovations. Intuitive user interfaces, a significantly simplified data model, real-time enterprise control, and higher performance thanks to in-memory technology are just a few examples of the possibilities SAP S/4HANA offers to help companies stay competitive in the digital age and set themselves apart from the competition. Each new release of SAP S/4HANA includes further innovative functionalities based on state-of-the-art technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Default-SAP-Fiori-theme-Belize-light-flavor-1Improved user experience with SAP Fiori

Intuitive and role-based apps increase user productivity many times over. Users no longer need to be trained in the operation of overloaded transactions, but are provided with a clearly structured user interface with the functions relevant to them.

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Overview-page-Resizable-card-layout SAP Fiori ElementsReal-time analytics with SAP Embedded Analytics

Thanks to the high-performance SAP HANA database, real-time analytics in SAP S/4HANA can also be performed in day-to-day operations and displayed in analytical Fiori apps. SAP already delivers ready-to-use standard apps for each business area, so you can start using them right away.

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Headerbild_SAP_S4HANA_Service_600x337px_webSAP S/4HANA Service

SAP S/4HANA Service offers a wide range of capabilities tailored to the needs of service organizations – including customer service, contract management, and service fulfillment. By leveraging real-time data, SAP S/4HANA Service accelerates decision making and improves efficiency.

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SAP_FIN-FSCM_Dispute_Management_1000x353pxSAP Financial Supply Chain Management

Financing and invoice processing are among the largest cost blocks in finance. SAP Financial Supply Chain Management (FIN-FSCM) targets all financial and information flows within a company and between business partners. The portfolio includes applications for electronic account and invoice display, customer complaint processing, credit management, and cash flow optimization.

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SAP Business Technology Platform | IBsolution
Basis for the intelligent enterprise

SAP Business Technology Platform

With applications on SAP Business Technology Platform, so-called cloud extensions, companies extend the capabilities of their SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA without having to intervene in the basic functionalities of their digital core. The ERP system remains the central system for ensuring core processes, but can be extended agilely and effectively with the latest innovations without any concerns.
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SAP Dispute Management | IBsolution

SAP Dispute Management: Processing dispute cases in SAP S/4HANA

As a component of SAP Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM), SAP Dispute Management is used to process receivables-related dispute cases. If a business partner arbitrarily reduces agreed payments, companies must follow up and clarify the case.

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Build extensions on SAP ECC and take them with you to SAP S/4HANA | IBsolution

Build extensions on SAP ECC and take them with you to SAP S/4HANA

As the latest ERP generation from SAP, SAP S/4HANA brings with it numerous innovations and improvements. What also changes with SAP S/4HANA is the way the system can be extended and tailored to individual user requirements.

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SAP S/4HANA 2021 SD module | IBsolution

SAP S/4HANA 2021: New functionalities in the SD module

The 2021 release of SAP S/4HANA on-premise offers a range of new functionalities that enable companies to benefit from the latest SAP innovations.

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SAP Credit Management | SAP S/4HANA | IBsolution

Minimize default risks: SAP Credit Management in SAP S/4HANA

Efficient credit management reduces the risk of payment defaults and thus makes a positive contribution to the operating result. SAP Credit Management in SAP S/4HANA supports companies in structuring and optimizing credit management processes.

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Sales orders in SAP S/4HANA | IBsolution

Create sales orders in SAP S/4HANA via Fiori app

The classic SAP GUI transaction VA01 is transitioning to an SAP Fiori app for intuitive user experience with SAP S/4HANA Release 2021. It simplifies the daily work of sales employees and presents all important information on a single screen – including easy navigation and optimized visualization.

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What you can expect from SAP S/4HANA

Finanzwesen digitalisieren IBsolution

Digitization of finance


Control of supply chains


Collaborative procurement


Efficient control of product lifecycles


Company-wide transparency


Industry-specific solutions


State-of-the-art user experience (UX)


Higher level of automation


Next generation process design

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